When we buy a new appliance we always want to make sure that we are going to benefit from the latest technology that will make our lives easier and even save money on our energy bills.
With this in mind, for our latest blog we are taking a closer look at what multi air flow technology is in fridge freezer appliances and what it will do to help us keep food and drink fresher for longer.
The purpose of multi air flow technology is to keep an even flow of air throughout the appliance, through every section all at the same time. This is especially important when the door has been opened. The cool air will flow through small air vents which have been carefully placed around each section and is essential for keeping food fresher for longer.
The air coming through the vents enters the fridge freezer via the back of the appliance, so it is important to leave a little bit of space between it and the wall in order to let it circulate. This will also ensure that the food kept in the bottom compartment is as fresh as the items on the top shelf.
In the long run, yes. As with all appliances, the more efficient they can be, the more money and energy you are likely to save. This is mainly down to the appliance not having to work so hard to keep everything running in a smooth and even fashion, preventing the need to divert precious energy to certain areas over others.
Browse our full range of fridge freezers with multi air flow technology for your perfect new appliance!